Become a Meta Tuku early adopter

We are running an invite-only closed alpha test for Meta Tuku from July 2022. At this time, we are registering people who are interested in taking part in our open beta test once the alpha test is complete.

What is needed for me to become and early adopter?

All the members of the Alpha and Beta Tester Group have been select by The Massive Collective Team. Each Tester is given five invites to Meta Tuku, which they can use to invite people to the testing program further

What is required by the early adopters?

All we ask from our testers is their honest feedback. Testers are expected to fill out a survey a few weeks after receiving their Meta Tuku NFC media. Constant improvement is essential to us - so the feedback is greatly appreciated

What are the perks of being an early adopter?

Early adopters get unrestricted access to the Meta Tuku Platform. Early testers of the closed alpha test will receive custom NFC media free of charge. Invitees of the closed alpha testers can purchase NFC media at a reduced rate. Beta Testers will receive a discount code for NFC media.